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All right traders welcome I'm Joe Cavallaro here at market traders Institute been trading the Forex for years did you know that this is national stress Awareness Month you're a trader you know a little bit about stress what do I want to talk about how do we relieve some let me give you three tips all right if you're a trader you want to reduce stress as much as possible how you gonna do it the first way number one trade with uh stop I know you've all heard this but this is cardinal rule you want to be able to relax when you're trading trade with a stop. What do I mean all right anytime you're looking at a chart you're seeing all your candlesticks and you think to yourself well I'm gonna get in right here well guess what's below your entry point all of this is risk but if you build a floor underneath your trade if you put a stop underneath your entry okay that means this isn't risk anymore your only risk in this little amount yes you want to make a million dollars don't we all but when you enter your trade and you put in a stop you know the worst that can happen all right at that point there's no more sweaty palms you just walk away cuz you're protected trade with the stop can't stress it enough what's number two some of you won't like this one. But it's important keep your day job oh you mean that eight to five grind that I do listen if you're trading now you want to be successful that's great but a good way to keep your stress level low make sure you got some income that way if you blow it up here you can still refund your account try it again as you get better okay I know you want to do this so I know you want to trade out of what you do now and go into trading but do this for now keep your stress level low and the last one it's so important that I'm even going to change colors to bring this one out what is the third thing I want you to do to reduce your stress all right a lot of people who are trading think this way don't tell your spouse what you're doing right they want to go it alone they want to be the big hero listen you want to relieve stress tell your spouse everything okay you want to be under pressure you keep a secret you want to relieve the pressure tell your spouse what you're doing as a matter of fact bring him into the conversation. Why because they're gonna make you better okay think about this women are good at certain things men are good at certain things what are women good at systems what does that mean women are good at following directions that's why they know how to program the VCR and then don't okay women will follow a set of instructions to the letter and trading is all about systems but what else is trading about well trading is also about understanding or being willing to take risks who's better at this typically men now you can do one or the other. But why wouldn't you do both because working together not only are you gonna be on the same page but their skill and your skill put together is gonna make you better for it all right you're doing this for a reason you're doing it for your family you're doing it for your kids you're doing it for your future why wouldn't you do it together take the pressure off yourself so relieve stress all right first thing you do trade with a stop second thing keep your day job for now but third probably most important do it together and that's it for that I'm Joe Caballero best of luck good trading.