Jika Di Era Boruto Edo Tensei, 5 Shinobi yang Bisa Jadi Bangkit Kembali!

Best and Most Successful Forex Traders in the World? Can you tell us about some of the most successful forex traders out there yes to come to mind actually uh under one who really struggling so his name is David Tate and he's actually as we speak at this moment in time going to climb Mount Everest for the fifth or the sixth time he does it purely for the charity NSPCC himself was abused as a kid. And has more or less a lot of his life gone to raise money for the NSPCC so I do urge you to go out check him out he's actually quite remarkable he is remarkable because I think his trading floor deters ascent of Everest and vice versa and when you watch him tradies the kind of guy who literally does live. I sit on my hands and then when he trades he won't trade timidly he'll trade aggressively and make money and what's really interesting about when you look at his performance which is good he's got of two novel trucks I think he's one of those very few people that have a great life to date track record it's very much in the sense of most of the trends following kind of paths where you have an explosive upset. And then you bleed money because you get it wrong with everything you have an explosive upside to the top again so the other one who did a lot of effects but other stuff as well with a guy called John Fiedler Shea he was the bee and Brevan Howard which is a well-known hedge fund he also is a very good trader but he also traded a lot of options and option strategies on effects. And one of the things you can do with options is by extracting time value or expressing particular features of the market such as the market will grind upwards they're found quite happy to sell upside and buy downside and lots of different ways so these two come to mind immediately that I've come across do you know what they win losses are ratios well for for David Tate to climb Mount Everest yes. Because at the time we were privy as on the trading floor at that hedge fund Apple open 2008 to actually see each other's P&L and as I said very much had a trend following type of behavior so from that you can more or less deduce what is when low loss ratio is probably you know 60 70 % of crazy losses goodie person you.