What's going on guys Josh Sanchez come to you guys live from where we are in our did have Terranea yesterday it was a resort out in California you know I just want to make this quick video guys gave me a tip of the day I know for those of you who've been watching me for quite some time you guys know where I've been at past 7 8 months where I was back then where I'm at now the progression the results the change that you guys have literally seen and at the end of the day you know I'm no one special I'm not you know I don't come from a wealthy background I was in an 8 bus student in school but for me it was more of finding a way to a solution rather to help as many people as possible throughout the world to provide a solution that could change the lives of other people.
So I was able to find a solution that had allowed me to not only become profitable in my lifetime but also teach other people how to become profitable by learning a skill that could pay them for a lifetime and I got my friend JD art here who's been a great mentor who's also been teaching me a little bit about Forex how to put my money to work for me one of the guys who doesn't get enough recognition for what he does but I wanted to really quick introduce himself and tell you guys how long he's been trading Forex and what results he's been having because I know a lot of people out there wondering is Forex real.
And it really make people money is really changing lives and this man is about to share his story with you guys so for free JD our ticket away is that Josh so my name is John David Rollins I'm 23 years old quick background I've been doing this for about two years now then trading Forex I was able to become a profitable trader about a year after it I started and it's been an amazing journey I've been blessed with great tours that that really laid the foundation because there's a lot of Facebook traders out there they really don't know what it is they're doing and I was blessed with great mentors and you know this dude right here has been great by my side we've been able to trade for a company been able to do very very well been very very successful over the last seven months of doing it.
And it's led to places like these it's led to different locations like these I've been able to travel around the United States is your travel around the world and go to many different places and this lifestyle that force is created for me is that I can literally make money wherever I have internet connection in the world based off of the knowledge that I have that I've obtained from studying to foreign exchange markets and myself and Josh we've been at it for a couple years now and the results have been amazing it's not been easy right come to I've lost I was I actually lost ten thousand dollars before made anything before I mean anything entering out over a year of time class yourself how many of you will be willing to lose that much money to be able to get into a position to be at a six-figure income two years later.
And be able to do that because that's the kind of stuff that it takes to be able to go through those types of things through those mistakes through all those different things through those challenges to get you to where it is that you want to be in life you know that's what it takes it takes those failures or failures or failures to be able to reach success to be able to reach the top of that mountain right you have to go through the valleys in order to the piece in your lifetime and Taurus has been able to teach me a lot in the psychology of everything about has been able to teach me law so that's a little bit about me a little bit about Forex I'm a passive equity Josh all you guys need is this this is all you need to set up one market to change your life to change your current financial situation this is all you need.
So guys lifestyles real people are real the results are real at the end of the day it's up to you to make that decision to take the initiative whether you actually want to learn this skill or whether you just want to continue to stay where you're at so thanks a lot for watching guys stay blessed and talk to you guys soon okay Ravi I'll see you wrong.